Jan 5Liked by Anna Mackenzie

Excited to follow your publishing journey this year, don't be afraid I am sure we all need to hear what you've got to say!

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Thanks for the encouragement Casey 🥰

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Jan 3Liked by Anna Mackenzie

Looks simple but makes lots of sense. It reminded me of the great saying “ The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step”. Thank you for sharing this to begin year 2024 with.

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That’s a great saying and completely true! Thanks SJ 🩷

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023Liked by Anna Mackenzie

The broth... so damn relatable!

Yes to the small moments. The little things are the best things. Addition to your list - curled up in bed, listening to the rain meeting the roof. The beauty of a summer storm. Sublime.

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Haha we’re all in this soup together 😘

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Great advice, Anna. and congrats on all of those outcomes!

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Well said Anna:

"I’m here floating in a broth of an identity soup, left wondering where I fit in. I’m still a hardcore startup operator. I love the pace and fervour that comes with running and working with high growth businesses.

I want to live a big life: to build brands, write books, travel the world and have impact.

But this isn’t the whole picture. I’m also a purposeful, intentional creative. I’m a writer. I appreciate the small moments in life: reading my book in the sunshine, sharing a glass of wine with friends, smelling the first wisp of summer in the ocean breeze."

Keep charting your path. Step by step.

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Day by day, brick by brick, step by step ❤️

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Thank you for this! As a young South Asian woman, ambition is never considered sexy for a woman. It is like you need to be good but not too good.

'Just put your head down , do your work and be grateful for everything'. Like no thanks...

I want to live in a world where women have no labels and can pursue whatever dream they can embark on - without the judgement of others. Your article truly resonated with me so thank you!

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You're so welcome! The power is definitely ours 🔥

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I really resonate with this Anna. I actually kind of wrote something similar this week 😂 My view is that ambition is amazing and I LOVE my ambition but I’m also recognizing it doesn’t have to be the only driver of incredible things in my life. Other drivers like creativity can help me accomplish a lot and they change the tenor and approach to that output in a surprising way.

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Oo please link me your piece, I'd love to read it!

That's a great way of framing it: ambition as simply one driver (of many) in our lives. Thanks Cris!

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Anna Mackenzie

THE BROTH. Anna I’m so obsessed with your writing. Also SLAY to the Girl Boss era. I read the bloody book like 16 times.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Author

Thanks so much that means a lot! This essay was such a weird one, as I was writing I was stressed out that people would think I'm out of touch sharing this perspective.

I think the Girlboss movement was problematic in some ways but there are also so many characteristics of that persona that I still identify with, even if I'm prioritising rest and creativity a bit more than I did circa 2017.

So in answer to my own question about 'who the fuck am I?' - I think I'm all of the above (or none) 😂

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