No one can start taking action only after considering all factors or having all conditions in place. Begin with your strengths, start now, keep trying and making mistakes, and you will reap rewards.

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Making mistakes is the most normal thing EVER

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Would love to know how you'd recommend going about reaching out to your network! This is usually where I hesitate the most (don't want to be seen as desperate, a burden, etc.).

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Great Q. I wrote a piece on this a while ago although it wasn't specifically in the context of building a portfolio career, but I think some of the suggestions might be helpful. I've also got another post in the pipeline!


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It's so perfect that I found this post now. I'm in the "million conversations" and "figuring out what I'm about" part of this journey. Scary but exciting. Feel like that first solopreneur dollar is coming.

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Love it! This part is supposed to feel a little chaotic and messy but things will start to become clear, I’m sure of it ☺️

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This is great advice and resonates a lot with my own experience building a portfolio career over the last three and a half years.

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I’d love to hear more about your experience! How did your PC start out?

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I spent most of 2020 doing all sorts of mind maps and charts to try to plan it all out but eventually came to the realization that I did just have to jump. But it was an informed jump as I knew how much I needed to make each month, I had talked to a ton of people and got my first contract. After that it's been a ton of experimenting and pivoting depending on where the work was and what I enjoyed doing. Plus, because I had spent 20 years building up my network once people knew I was on the market a lot of work started coming to me. My newsletter and podcast has been huge in helping to keep me in front of mind for people to think of coming to me. I wrote about some of that journey here: https://anchorchange.substack.com/p/how-i-mapped-out-my-post-facebook

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We've followed a very similar trajectory! Thanks for sharing your piece, I'll check it out 🥰

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Wow, Anna! 🤩 Your diagrams are sooooo satisfying!!! Now my freelance life makes actual sense!!! x

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Haha thanks!! They're a bit of fun 🤩

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I have accidentally and unintentionally landed myself with a portfolio career. Not by design. It's the default thats occurred from making a commitment to Be Braver and choose courage.

My advise would always be to look for the people who haven't made a success, who have tried and failed. Or tried and struggled. Muddled their way through.

Courageous decision making is the sweet spot between cowardly and reckless decision making. Of course change requires risk and means uncertainty. We would be foolish to be limited by this and reckless to ignore it.

Survivorship bias plays a part in that too which I'm going to be posting about soon. Perfectionism which I posted about today doesn't do us any favours either?

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There are a lot of people that stumble into this type of career structure, and you’re right I think it’s a result of being brave and taking some risks. Congrats on making the leap!

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Intelligent risks thats the key. No-one wants to be a coward, but we don't want reckless either, especially when we have so many caring responsibilities often to consider that we want to serve well also.

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This was really good because it shows that you don't need to have it all figured out, and that through "winging it", you can really make something out of yourself.

I had a conversation with a digital marketing agency CEO I met at a conference in May earlier this year–without even expecting it, I'm on track to working with them as a copywriter.

I write about this skill now, and haven't found a client that fits my ICP online. But it's crazy to know that even though I'm building a copy business online, my first client will be from a connection I made in the physical world.

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Opportunities exist on the other side of a conversation. I think once you learn that, you realise that they are literally EVERYWHERE.

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You just got to like... not be afraid and talk to people! I think that sums it up well.

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This is real. Makes total sense. Thank you Anna!

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You're very welcome!

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This is so useful, thank you 🙏

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You’re welcome 😇

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This! This is the best.

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To be, or not to be — that is the question.

——Hamlet (written by William Shakespeare)

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