Yes, would love to hear more about Portfolio Career's. I've been on this journey since hearing Emilie Wapnick's Ted X talk but would love more expansion around the topic. https://www.ted.com/talks/emilie_wapnick_why_some_of_us_don_t_have_one_true_calling?subtitle=en

I'm now a People and Culture Manager, Florist, Horoscope Writer and a Social Media Manager. Loving the diverse nature of my work and the different monetary avenues that come from it.

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Thanks so much for linking this, I can’t wait to listen! I also think it’s true that someone can have one true calling but still pursue multiple interests and have lots of projects on the go, some of which align with a calling and others that don’t. There are so many permutations, and I love that about this type of work structure.

What specifically would you like to read/hear/see? I’m fleshing out some upcoming newsletter topics so any input would be fab. Thanks for connecting ❤️

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Just chiming in to say please keep talking about portfolio careers :) i'm just embarking on the same journey myself and it resonates so deeply.

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Thanks for this note!! You’re not the first person to say this so I’m going to roll with it. Is there anything specific you want to read? And problems you’re facing, things you’re struggling with, questions you’re asking? Xx

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Hi Anna, I completely agree with your points. When starting out as a grad in my first company, they always used to say ‘feedback is the breakfast of champions’ - it stuck with me and always a good reminder to focus on improvement.

I recently read a book by Erin Meyer on the Culture Map. It talks about how to give feedback in different countries, and how the feedback ‘sandwich’ of positive, negative, positive that we often use in the UK and the US is seen as inauthentic in parts of Europe and further East.

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Thanks so much for recommending that book, I’ll be sure to give it a read! You’re completely right about how feedback needs to be tailored depending on the culture - my first job was working for Uniqlo in Tokyo and the way feedback was delivered was completely different to how it’s typically delivered in a Western context. Fascinating stuff.

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I really enjoyed it, I think you will too Anna!

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Managers hold on to feedback, thinking that they are "saving" their team from a difficult conversation. In reality it's a selfish move. It is themsleves they are saving, and the development of the team member is the price paid for doing so.

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Very true.

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PS i think making portfolio careers your thing could be super interesting! I am definitely interested in reading more. Also i liked that it felt like a series, like a neat distilled collection. X

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Thanks Bonnie, I’m definitely noodling on this and think I’ll lean into it. I am very opposed to writing only about one thing (ie. a niche) because it feels so constraining, but love the idea of carving out a little space on Substack for people who want to exit traditional work and build something that exists on their own terms. Lots to ponder!

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This spoke to a part of me that i would like to sweep under the carpet forever. The part that really wants to be friends with my employees vs the reality of my disappointment and wish for them to improve. Thank you for sharing this!! I needed reminding!!

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How annoying is it that the hardest things are the things we need to do more of, and more frequently 😬

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Jul 5Liked by Anna Mackenzie

I find it easy to give and receive good feedback but absolutely PAINFUL to give and receive negative feedback. I recently listened to a great podcast by Brené Brown: https://brenebrown.com/podcast/living-into-our-values/ her sister Barratt has a lot to say about feedback. Hope you find it interesting!

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I’m the exact same. I’ll check the podcast out, thank you!! I love Brene Brown, she can do no wrong.

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