This is awesome, Anna. Thanks for sharing. It’s similar to how my brain works, but my fingers can’t keep up. So I can’t claim to be so organised.

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Thanks Tim, my pleasure. Always happy to share more detail if it's helpful! And the system definitely descends into chaos many times over the course of a year, it doesn't always look like this 😂

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Same here - trying!

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Love this system! I save ideas into Notion in my Spark Notes folder, but they are NOT organized by category at all. That would truly be helpful. I think I will get busy and get a wee more organized. I like the ideas of trashing ideas that you know you won't develop. I get WAY TOO MANY ideas in my spark file, then I get overwhelmed.

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The organisation by category has been super helpful in terms of choosing upcoming newsletter ideas and making sure there's a good spread of posts across topics (ie. if I've written a business heavy essay one week I'll make sure to look at my habits or mindset folder for ideas for the next). Sometimes my inbox gets so built up with ideas that it'll take me hours to file lol. I do my best to file everything at the end of each month though, so I'm starting the following month fresh. I'd love to hear more about how you use Notion, it's my fave tool of all time!

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Anna Mackenzie

This level of organisation is aspirational for me and my scatterbrain! I'm inspired!

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Haha thanks Chlo, I'm always here to help if you need it! x

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Anna Mackenzie

There’s nothing I love more than organisation AND a back-stage pass to somebody else’s successful process! Your weekly Substack is quickly becoming my weekly treat. It reminds me of when the ‘goop’ newsletter was first launched and I’d refresh my phone every Thursday night waiting for it to drop.

Love your work 💞

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Thank you so much for these words of encouragement Sally, means so much! I’m looking forward to catching up when you’re next in Melb 🩷

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This is useful to see! Thanks so much for sharing your behind-the-scenes. You might like this book if you haven't read it: https://www.amazon.com/Building-Second-Brain-Organize-Potential/dp/1982167386

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Oo I’ll definitely check this out thank you!

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Love this behind-the-scenes of note-taking. I geek out over these so much. Thanks for sharing, Anna!

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Genius tips that I’ll be implementing!!

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