Awesome, and your new schedule framework kinda echoes mine... I am only just pivoting into it after similar realisations about my burnout... Some of that is impacted by many years of insomnia, but I have starred to "allow myself" flexible "me time". All the best and thanks for sharing, Dominus

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Thanks Dominus!

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This is so good, thank you. So much of it resonates. Definitely in the era of not saying no enough right now :) gotta get closer to this level of discipline w my calendar and knowing my own rhythms!

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Haha I have absolutely been in the era of saying yes more than I should. But it’s SO liberating to say no to things that screw up how I want to work and use my time. Highly recommend!

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I've gone through a similar journey. I like the deep work sessions in the morning. But I also agree with the 3:00pm crash. I become useless for like 2-3 hours. But then get a second wind after dinner. I need to design my life around this rather than fight against it.

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Totally. I fought it for ages too.

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For the time you have blocked off for recording videos, do you also use this block of time to edit them?

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Yep I record, edit and draft the captions in this block. If I loosely script them on Sunday nights I can knock out four decent videos and then I publish them throughout the week. If you check out my TikTok you can see it’s low effort and low production. I edit within the app in one go, I sit in the same location, film the same way, and just talk to camera. Sometimes I’ll talk over a green screen but more often than not, it’s just simply chatting to cam and sharing a lesson or idea. It’s simple by design, because my only goal right now is to get in a rhythm.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Anna Mackenzie

Wow. This newsletter came around right on time. Love the Sabrina references. I think I am going to follow your calendar and see what happens just for the heck of it.

I'm excited to make my own and learn more about myself in the process.

Keep killing it, Wonder Woman


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Definitely give mine a go but even better than that, I’d suggest running a few experiments to see what works best with your own energy levels, and also your priorities. Let me know how you go!

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Love this. I’m also experimenting with my schedule as a self-employer ghostwriter/writer. I’ve tried taking Wednesday afternoons off for a mid-week reset.

It worked wonders the first week, but the next week I wanted to get back ti work during those hours.

So now I focus on having the first two hours of my day to myself to read, pray and write my book. It’s awesome!

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One thing I did notice was that the audio didnt work for me on mobile, perhaps my device dunno

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When I was freelancing, I found myself falling into the trap of constantly thinking: 'Should I be socializing/binge-watching/going on holiday or should I be earning?' I kept mentally calculating the ROI of my time. Glad you found your natural work rhythm!

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I feel so seen! My brain start to melt around 3PM, and picks up again somewhere around 7PM. I can’t believe that the majority of the business/corporate world hasn’t caught up on the fact that there’s no ONE schedule that everyone works best on.

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I'm so glad you shared this. I structure a lot of my work like you do Anna. However the idea of taking time off in the afternoon feels radical, even though my energy has dipped by then. But it's got me thinking about I could take late afternoons to spend some time on my allotment or go for a long walk, especially now that the days are becoming shorter. Mmmm.

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This is too real… I’ve been coming to terms with the patterns of saying yes when I mean no, and trying to find a version of client engagements that meet the needs for a consulting base of a portfolio career. I leaned into long term fractional work for a while because it meant more stability - but had no control over my own boundaries. Now I’m experimenting with more project based work and retainer type work. This is so helpful already! And always happy to learn from others going down a similar path!

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Well, that's one hell of a title to catch an Espresso girly - you got me 🤣

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I’ve been experimenting with my time of late and your post reminded me to keep a record of it so I can track and see clearly what’s not working!

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Exactly where my heads been these last few days- thanks for the nudge!

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