Oct 26, 2023Liked by Anna Mackenzie

Absolutely enjoyed this piece. Thank you for creating!

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Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind feedback. Hopefully it's helpful!

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Anna Mackenzie

Brilliantly summarised Anna! Often we can burden our wants from 'get tos' into 'have tos' making them seem like a chore. I love the updated formula for success, which I see myself in my exercise routine - variation and picking fun ways to keep fit allow me to avoid stagnation and keep showing up. What tracker are you using?

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Thanks SJ it means a lot to have you read my work! I fastidiously track my behaviour across lots of areas of my life (I’m a little bit psycho haha), I use, live and die by Notion. What do you use?

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I loved how this turned out, Anna. The personal stories you intertwined are SO good.

You've blown me away this cohort with your sharp insights, personal stories and lovely essay.

Congrats on keeping the publishing train rolling :)

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Thanks Tommy, couldn’t have done it without your amazing feedback!

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deletedOct 18, 2023Liked by Anna Mackenzie
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I think it was Olivia Wilde who said ‘consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative’. I think he’s right!

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